Because I just feel like it...NO. To be honest, I hadn't a clue why one would need to be
gluten-free if one didn't have celiac disease. Yes, I had heard of celiac disease, and those with this
disease must be gluten-free to survive. I understood their need.
My journey into this world of gluten-free started last autumn...and all thanks to a conversation that I overheard while visiting relatives.
All last year, I had indications of gluten intolerance, but I didn't recognize the symptoms. I had gassiness which I thought had to be due to being in menopause. Aren't all menopausal women gassy? I had hope not; otherwise, life would be horrible. As my stomach felt more uncomfortable and bloated, all of a sudden my finger tips started to tingle. Eeks, "what was happening to me" was all that I could think of then, but I didn't have time to seek medical treatment since a family emergency sent me off to meet up with other family members last autumn. It was then that I overheard a conversation that my mother had with my bother asking him why he was gluten-free. I silently listened to his answer, and then realized I had the same symptoms he had.
I went home to google gluten-free, celiac disease, gluten intolerance, and I spent hours reading online. I read online conversations of folks describing similar symptoms of the tingling in finger tips, and that once off gluten that symptom disappeared after a couple of weeks. It was December, my favorite month to bake Christmas cookies. What was I going to do since I only knew how to bake with wheat flour. I did what I always did; I made those goodies for my family, but I didn't eat a crumb. Instead, I started reading gluten-free blogs and took myself off gluten. Just after two weeks off of gluten, all my symptoms were gone, no more tingly fingers, no more excessive gas, and no more bloating. Life was good...and it still is.
This blog is my journey that I wish to share with you.
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